how loneliness and love work together. my thoughts on a quote by Erich Fromm "Paradoxically, the ability to be alone is the condition for the ability to love" We don't love a person, we fall for the idea of that person in our heads, we fall for the mere representative model that we build throughout the various interactions between us, and this model is flawed, because people only show a small part of themselves to us, and there are aspects of that person which we will never encounter and incorporate into the model… And we have internal conversations and build a set of expectations with and for the model, and we forget that it’s not that accurate because well, wishful thinking. We also tend to ignore acts from the real person and keep them away from "contaminating" the model, we convince ourselves that it’s the fault of circumstances, that's willful blindness. With time and the increasing number of interactions, the model will start to align wit...
Here I share my writings about stuff that I notice and think about, or try to tackle big questions and concepts.